Friday, May 14, 2010

Our First Fight our new house wasn't a big surprise to me. Standing in the master bedroom which has yet to even be drywalled, I looked in our closed and sighed. There just didn't seem to be enough space. So I indicated to Joe that I would need about 3/4 of the closet and that he can simply live with the rest.

At that exact moment, Joe gave me the look (dun-dun-dun)...followed by endless rants about how I need to throw away some of my clothes...yada yada yada......yada. Honestly, I blocked most of it out. Every year, I go through a closet purge and every year, I end up wanting to wear an outfit which I can't find because I'm convinced that Joe made me throw it away the previous year. I had had enough. I was standing my ground! I said, "No, I'm taking 3/4 of the closet. Take your 30 polo shirts and throw those away! Whachu think about that?". Alright so it didn't really happen that way. I, in turn, gave him MY LOOk right back.

We walk out of the room in silence...shooting angry vibes at each other. I'm not gonna lie, those silent angry shots sometimes hurt more than actual words. Alas, I knew exactly how to end the fight. I forced a tear and let him see it. I tried to force out one of those ugly cries that I do but my face just wasn't cooperating with me that day. At least with Joe, one tear was enough. Bless his heart, it still gets him every time.

Fight over.

Ok, I lied again. I can't really force my tears, they literally just come gushing out of nowhere. In the end, we really didn't come to any sort of resolution. Any relationship expert would probably think that we have serious communication issues. Shooting angry vibes at each other? what? we probably need therapy. In all honesty, an issue like this doesn't really warrant a fight. Save your energy on more important issues. How easily could that small argument turn into something bigger where we're all of sudden shouting things like "You suck! Why am I with you?" LOL. Don't deny, I'm sure it's happened to you too. It's ok to stand your ground when your values are truly being challenged. When it comes to something like closet space, give yourself 5 minutes to be sour and be done with it.

The end.

The real estate plug: In a new construction home, frequent the site and take notes of the progress. During that visit, we noticed that they had framed the 3rd bedroom incorrectly. Rather than a bedroom, they framed it as a loft. No bueno for resale. Noted and sent email to construction manager before it was too late in the construction phase to do anything about it.

The fashion plug: Does the mention of my yearly closet purge count? It really is important to go through your closet every year. You want to avoid keeping pieces that you're never going to wear... like that sheer leopard print top from Target that I got last year...what was I thinking??

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