Monday, December 5, 2011

Taking some advice from Sugar

Blogging is something that enjoy. It's fun for me to write about an experience...check my stats and comments to see if at the very least, I've provided someone something to do for 5 minutes on their otherwise monotonous day. Maybe I've made you laugh, maybe I've angered you, and maybe you're even judging me through my posts. No matter that your reaction may be, I held your attention even for just 5 minutes...and for someone who sits in front of the computer analyzing excel spreadsheets and grinding out slide decks, yet yearns to have more people interaction and be more creative, well, that's pretty freakin cool.

1) My long work days and a long commute home leaves me little to no time to keep this thing up 2) I honestly don't do alot of interesting things to even blog about
3) As much as I wanted to originally have a bargain/fashion/relationship blog, I'm constantly questioning whether my posts are PC or even something of interest to others.

And hence, my less than one post a month isn't exactly going to take this blog to some top 10 blog list.

But is that really my ultimate goal? Perhaps the most interesting blogs that I subscribe to were started by people who simply wanted to get their ideas out matter how completely un-PC. In the words of Sugar by the Rompus, Write like a MotherF*@&er and I intend to do just that.

One blog post a day either here or my wedding blog is my goal. I think I need to give myself the time to do at least one thing I enjoy everyday...

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