Saturday, May 2, 2009

"Senior Year", Biggest Loser, and anything else pertaining to Spring

I'm in class on this calm and cool Saturday morning. I could be in bed still but I'll refrain from complaining further. After all, my Saturday torture will be over in a matter of TWO WEEKS. I'm finally graduating. I'll finally have my weekends back. First order of celebrations: Kat and Noel's wedding which everyone has been looking forward to for months.... at least the girls. For the guys, they have Noel to thank for the "wedding fever" that some of the girls can't seem to recover from. The symptoms? Hallucinations of walking down the isle - Looking online for wedding dresses - Writing how they met stories ready to publish on a pretend wedding website. I tell ya, the fever can really take alot out of a girl. Admittedly, I caught the bug myself. Through the hardship, I did however manage to find my future wedding dress. I showed it to everyone to make sure they don't buy it for themselves. You're thinking I'm a little crazy but I know you have your wedding dress in mind as well. Don't lie...

Don't worry. I fully recovered from this bug. Distracted by challenges of the new job snapped me out of my hallucinations. Homework assignments and project presentations replaced story writings of "how we met". Real estate searches replaced wedding dresses. Gotta love the short attention span of a Gen Y. That and Joe slapped me silly and reminded me that he feels perfectly normal have not had any symptoms of the wedding fever.

Oh I almost forgot. My life (during the whole month of February) was basically taken over by another obsession. Losing weight and getting sexy brought on by Kat's Bachelorette party in St. Thomas. So, I went to the gym like a maniac and ate...more like nibbled...on fruits, veggies, and all things unappetizing. Joe hated me. I hated life. But I sure as hell wasn't gonna be on the beach at my heaviest weight thus far. The result - I lost 13 lbs (gained about 3lbs of that back since) and had no more reason to shop because all my "old" clothes fit me again. Because I'm still really not at my ideal weight which is (115 -120 which I haven't been since Freshman Year College in 2001), I decided to join my family's Biggest Loser Competition. There's 6 of us competing...$50 to enter which means the winner gets $300. GREAT motivation. We started in the beginning of April and will weigh in at the end of May. So far, I've lost 0 lbs. But worry not, I'm back to my maniac-ihatemylife mode and plan to lose at least 10lbs by weigh in.

and continuing the real estate obsession...

I have taken it to a new level by applying to HGTV's "My First Place". We'll see how it goes. For those who may think that I'm a little over my head, don't worry. I'm all talk. For all we know, I'll be obsessing over cars tomorrow.

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